How to Improve Posture


Improving posture is something that everyone should strive to do, though it is easier said than done. Postural changes come on gradually, regardless of whether it is a good or bad change. Posture should be passive. We should not have to walk around constantly trying to stand up straight. 

Easy way of improving posture:

In order to improve posture we must first create a good foundation of postural habits. One of the easiest ways to begin improving posture is to be “Comfortably Tall” during your day. Walk tall, sit tall, stand tall etc. Good posture consists of but is not limited to standing tall with shoulder back and down. Postural exercises can be an excellent way to make new muscular habits. Exercise such as yoga and pilates can be very beneficial in strengthening the muscles that affect posture. 

Posture is a result of what you are doing most of the time. If you sit or stand with bad posture for “most” of your day, the remaining time that you are up and about will carry on the habits from prior in the day. 

How good posture helps our health:

If we are forced to do things that are bad for our postural habits the best thing to do is to exercise and stretch before and after your work day. Good posture has many health benefits such as reduced stress, improved breathing and reduced mortality rate when we get older. Imagine two people and all things are identical about them. The only thing different is their posture. Which one do you assume is healthier? The one with good posture! Take five minutes out of your day to help your posture. 

Remember to stretch, strengthen and stand tall.
