How Do I Get Rid of Inflammation Naturally?


Inflammation is something that we all have to deal with and when we become injured, it becomes a problem. Inherently, inflammation is not in itself a bad thing. Inflammation can be separated into two groups: Acute Inflammation vs. Chronic Inflammation. Or better thought of as New Inflammation vs. Old Inflammation. 

Inflammation Process:

The inflammation process is actually a very important part of healing. This is how our bodies bring many of the things used to repair injury and damage. The problem is that it may be very painful. With inflammation comes swelling, which can compress sensitive things like nerves and joints. As inflammation lessens, typically people begin to feel better as well, which is the main reason why inflammation is thought of as bad. 

How To Get Rid of Inflammation With an Ice Pack:

Acute inflammation can be aided at home with an ice pack. Ice naturally helps reduce inflammation and pain. The caveat to this is timing. Ice should be used 15-20 minutes on, and one hour off. When using an ice pack it is important to use a barrier between the ice pack and the skin by using a shirt or a thin towel to prevent the damage to the skin. A lot of people use heat and unfortunately that is a mistake. Heat feels nice on the muscles when it's on, but heat also brings more blood flow and more inflammation. So once the relaxation of the heat fades the person is typically in more pain than they were before. 

How To Get Rid of Inflammation With Taping:

With a new injury, ice is our go-to. Using athletic tapes like KT tape and Rock Tape can also be very helpful in aiding the healing process and reducing pain. It helps the excess inflammation naturally leave the affected area and supports the injured joint at the same time, thus reducing pain and speeding up the healing process. 

Control Inflammation With Food:

The food you eat can also increase or decrease inflammation. Generally speaking, sugar and dairy products are the biggest culprits of making inflammation worse. Although avoiding these is easier said than done, pain can be a great motivator, and making good dietary choices speeds up the healing process. In summation: Icing, taping and diet are the home remedies to help reduce inflammation naturally.

Be healthy and well,

-Dr. Redman